

PikPik Scrolling Screenshot

With PikPik take scrolling screenshots of an entire screen, an active window, the scrolling windows and any specific region of your desktop Monitor etc.

App Store 上的《PikPik - Taksin më të afërt》

閱讀評論、比較用户評分、查看螢幕截圖,進一步了解「PikPik - Taksin më të afërt」。下載「PikPik - Taksin më të afërt」,即可在iPhone、iPad 及iPod touch 使用。


PicPick - 全功能的設計工具,包含螢幕擷取、圖片編輯器、色彩選擇器、尺規等等...

PicPick - All-in

PicPick - All-in-one Graphic Design, Best Screen Capture and Recording Software, Image Editor, Color Picker, Pixel Ruler and More.


PicPick screen capture and image editor is an impressive piece of free software for covering most image-management needs. Moreover, it is also Windows 11 ...


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PikPik Environnement(@pikpikenvironnement)

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聖亮PIKPIK Tours的圖片

聖亮PIKPIK Tours圖片:Piton Maïdo - 快來看看Tripadvisor 會員拍攝的224 張/部PIKPIK Tours真實照片和影片.